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Republic of Uzbekistan



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Active members of civil society voting

It is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan that the state ensures the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of public associations and creates equal conditions for them to participate in public life. More than 250 bylaws adopted in line with this principle serve as a legal basis for the development of civil society in Uzbekistan.

Artistes’ votes

Citizens, including figures of culture and art, are taking an active part in voting in the elections.

I’ve voted for our bright future

In all the regions of our country, the presidential elections are continuing at a high level. A two-times taekwondo champion of Asia and the world, a laureate of the Zulfiya state award and an Alisher Navoi state grant holder, Dilbar Holjigitova, has voted at polling station No 3 in the town of Gulistan.

Voting starts in Samarkand

The voting process has started at the 110th polling station in Samarkand as well in the statutory time and with the active participation of the population.

Cadets vote for development

Peace, calm and prosperity reigning in Uzbekistan are properly evaluated by international experts and admired in the world community. This is evident in The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index announced yearly where Uzbekistan is in the lead among the CIS countries for indicators of law and order and security.

Tomorrow will be better than today

Voting continues at all 980 polling stations in Ferghana region.

Involvement in the Motherland’s destiny

Uzbekistan’s modern electoral system created during the years of independence under the leadership of the First President of the country conforms to democratic requirements and conditions of independent development and serves as an important factor in the modernization of all spheres of society and the ensuring of peaceful, free and prosperous living.

I vote for prosperity of my Motherland

The voting, which started early morning, is actively continuing in Navoi region as well.

Presidential elections begin in Uzbekistan

9 thousand 383 polling stations in 14 electoral districts for the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan opened at 06 00 today. The state anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was played. More than 20 million citizens of Uzbekistan are on the list of voters.

Our compatriots in South Korea began voting

Seoul, 4 December. UzA special correspondent Nodira Manzurova reports. Polling stations in the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries have opened for the elections. Our compatriots in Japan and South Korea have been the first to vote.

Today - the day of the elections of the President of Uzbekistan

The presidential elections will be held in our country today. The voting starts at 6 am in 9 383 polling stations on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.