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Today - the day of the elections of the President of Uzbekistan

2016-12-04 | Elections

The presidential elections will be held in our country today. The voting starts at 6 am in 9 383 polling stations on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Taking into account the rich experience, accumulated over the years of independence, thorough preparations for this important political event have been carried out. 14 electoral districts for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been formed in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, within which 9 383 polling stations have been established. In addition, 44 polling stations have been formed at the diplomatic missions of our country abroad. Precinct election commissions have been staffed with over 98 thousand people. All polling stations have a mother and child room, a medical office. The ballot boxes, portable boxes have been prepared. The stations are provided the laws, regulations, manuals, necessary literature, posters of candidates and their programs, phones and computers with an Internet connection. 

All political parties in our country have expressed their desire to participate in elections. "Milly Tiklanish" Democratic Party of Uzbekistan nominated Sarvar Otamuratov as a candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan nominated Shavkat Mirziyoev, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan - Hatamjon Ketmonov, and the "Adolat" Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan - Narimon Umarov. 

Equal conditions have been created in conducting the election campaign, using the mass media. Conducting meetings of candidates with voters via videoconferencing has allowed to reach the wider public. Citizens have learnt about the biographies, election programs of the candidates. 

The current presidential elections will take place in new social and political conditions, in the spirit of further development of democracy. The amendments into the Constitutions and electoral laws, made in recent years have improved the electoral system. As a result, a solid legal base, ensuring holding open and transparent elections, in full compliance with international democratic principles, has been formed. 

As a result of democratic reforms, developments in the level and quality of life, implemented under the leadership of the First President Islam Karimov, the political consciousness, legal culture of the population have also improved. 

All necessary conditions are created for voters. A new version of the invitation and the ballot for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been developed. In order to create favorable conditions for the voting citizens with disabilities each polling station is equipped with a ramp. One of the cabins is allocated for the voting of persons with disabilities. 

Various brochures on the topic of elections have been published in Braille for the visually impaired voters. Ballots for the visually impaired have been prepared for the first time among the CIS states in Uzbekistan. 

According to Article 31 of the Law "On elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan", a voter, who is unable to be at the place of his residence on election day, has a right to vote early. The early voting took place from 24 November to 2 December. 

In elections, starting at 6 am in the morning, more than 20 million voters are expected to attend. Of these, over 550 thousand young people will vote for the first time. Additional conditions have been created for our compatriots in these days. In particular, public transport will be free of charge on December 4 in the capital and other cities. 

A particular attention is paid to ensuring openness and transparency of the elections. Representatives of 44 countries and five international organizations - the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the World Association of electoral bodies and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation will observe the course of the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Representatives of political parties, the media will also be present as observers. Over 1 400 representatives of domestic and foreign media are covering the elections. 

