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Our compatriots in South Korea began voting

2016-12-04 | Elections

Seoul, 4 December. UzA special correspondent Nodira Manzurova reports. Polling stations in the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries have opened for the elections. Our compatriots in Japan and South Korea have been the first to vote.

Article 11 of the Law "On elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" determines that polling stations are formed at the representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries by the Central Election Commission on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Based on this, 44 polling stations have been established at the representatives offices of Uzbekistan in foreign countries. They are assigned to the 14th Tashkent electoral district. 

The 34th polling station, formed at the embassy of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Korea, opened at 2:00 am Tashkent time. Over 500 voters have been registed at this station. The election commission has notified the voters in advance of the time and place of voting. The site is equipped on due level and contains information about the candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their election programs. 

- The death of First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, a founder of our independence, has become a great loss to all of us, - says Feruza Buronova, an economics graduate student - He did a lot for the independent development of our country in order to preserve a worthy place in the world community. We are confident that the large-scale reforms, commenced by First President will be continued. It depends on the will of the citizens of Uzbekistan. Deeply aware of my civic responsibilities, I follow the developments in our country. Today, having studid the election programs, goals and plans of the candidates, I have voted for the candidate of my choice. 

- During visits to foreign countries, we really miss in Uzbekistan, - says entrepreneur Alisher Saidov. - This feeling is intensified during the holidays, large-scale events like today. We are proud that we are citizens of Uzbekistan, part of our generous nation. For us, currently residing abroad, all the conditions have been created to participate in the presidential elections, and determine the future of the motherland. Our voting rights have been ensured. In response to these opportunities, we consider it our duty to make a worthy contribution to the development of the country. 

South Korean diplomats, business people and media also follow the presidential elections in our country. They note that the vote takes place in a spirit of openness and transparency, alternative and political competition. 

Voting in elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan continues. 

