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Involvement in the Motherland’s destiny

2016-12-04 | Elections

Uzbekistan’s modern electoral system created during the years of independence under the leadership of the First President of the country conforms to democratic requirements and conditions of independent development and serves as an important factor in the modernization of all spheres of society and the ensuring of peaceful, free and prosperous living.

Cardinal reforms have been implemented in the health care system as well. A unique system of modern medical first aid provision has been created for all the strata of the population. The state guarantees the provision of modern medical prophylactic services and emergency medical aid free of charge. 

The republican specialized centre of cardiology is one of such modern medical establishments. Our centre has learnt all advanced methods of conservative and surgical treatment of cardiovascular illnesses, and these methods are being used rationally for people’s health. 

Such high-tech operations are successfully performed not only at our centre but also at regional medical establishments in Khorazm, Namangan and other regions. This is important in widening the access of people to modern medical services. 

By actively participating in today’s presidential elections in the country, our people make their own contribution to continuing such vital reforms directed towards ensuring people’s interests. 

In order to perform my civic duty, I went to polling station No 88 in Mirzo Ulughbek district this morning and voted for the candidate of my choice. 

Modern conditions were created in polling stations. Here along with all the necessary things for elections, there are a medical room and a room for mothers and children. These are great conveniences for voters. 

Voters’ striving to make their own contribution to the further development of the Motherland is evidence of an increase in their knowledge about politics and the law and in their feeling of involvement in the country’s destiny. 

Ravshan Kurbonov, director of the republican specialized centre of cardiology, a hero of Uzbekistan.
