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Cadets vote for development

2016-12-04 | Elections

Peace, calm and prosperity reigning in Uzbekistan are properly evaluated by international experts and admired in the world community. This is evident in The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index announced yearly where Uzbekistan is in the lead among the CIS countries for indicators of law and order and security.

This is helped by special attention being paid in the country to strengthening law and order in the process of reforms directed towards ensuring peace and calm for the people. The work of this sphere is improved even more by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On bodies of internal affairs” dated 16 September 2016. 

Special attention is paid to providing internal affairs bodies with highly qualified personnel, who are trained at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tashkent higher military technical college and the higher technical college of fire safety. 

Young people studying at these educational establishments are actively taking part in an important political process – the elections taking place in the country. 

In polling station No 163 located at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all the necessary conditions have been created for the elections to be held openly, transparently and democratically. Cadets are well aware of the electoral law and have been provided with booklets on this theme. They also thoroughly studied the electoral programmes of the candidates for President. 

“The Motherland’s prosperity depends on the extent of conscientiousness with which we carry out our tasks, including our active participation in elections. We have made a responsible approach to the electoral process and attentively watched electoral campaigning and speeches of candidates,” says a cadet of the academy, Olimbek Mamajonov. 

