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Uzbekistan business delegation arrives in India

07.08.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

Delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan arrives in the city of Delhi (India) from August 6 to 8. It includes about 40 representatives, including heads of sectoral ministries and departments of Uzbekistan, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Investment, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representatives of 6 regional khokimiyats on investment and innovation issues.

Major investment projects will be implemented together with South Korea


The delegation led by the khokim of Fergana region visited the Republic of Korea and reached agreements on implementation of a number of investment projects.

Uzbekistan and France worked out issues of expanding trade and economic relations

02.08.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

During the official visit of the Uzbek delegation to France for participation in the VII session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, the current state of trade relations between the two countries was analyzed and prospective directions for the development of bilateral trade were determined.

President of Uzbekistan received the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

02.08.2018PoliticsSource: UzA

On August 1, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Suma Chakrabarti.

Meeting with Anadolu Group Holding delegation

31.07.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Jamshid Kuchkarov met with the delegation of Anadolu Group holding company led by the Chairman of the Board Tuncay Ozilhan, at the Ministry of Finance. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Agriculture Bakhodir Yusupov and Chairman of JSC Uzbekoziqovqatholding Tokhirjon Jalilov.

EBRD delegation to visit Uzbekistan


On August 1, 2018, the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti will arrive in Tashkent.

Uzbekistan – Japan business forum


On July 31, Tashkent hosted a business forum of business circles of Uzbekistan and Japan.

Minister for Foreign Trade met with representatives of the World Bank mission

30.07.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

The Minister for Foreign Trade Jamshid Khodjaev met with representatives of the World Bank mission led by Stefka Slavova, senior specialist in finance, competition and innovative development of the World Bank.

Meeting with International Monetary Fund representatives

30.07.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

A meeting of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Minister of Finance J.Kuchkarov with the International Monetary Fund mission led by Mr. Albert Eger was held at the Ministry of Finance.

Ministry of Finance and ADB signs an agreement

30.07.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

On July 27, the Ministry of Finance signed a $300 million loan agreement within the framework of Economic management improvement program implementation.

Tashkent to host the first Uzbekistan – Russia interregional forum

27.07.2018EconomicsSource: UzA

On July 26, 2018, the Minister for Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjaev held a meeting with the Counselor-Ambassador, Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Uzbekistan Vadim Mitrofanov to discuss issues of preparations for the first Uzbekistan – Russia interregional forum to be held in October this year.

New enterprise in Ellikkala


LLC Bostan Mega Tekstil, which specializes in production of jeans fabric and yarn, will soon start working in Ellikkala district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Meeting of the intergovernmental commission


On July 23, a regular meeting of Uzbekistan – Vietnam intergovernmental commission for trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation was held at the International Trade Center in Tashkent.

Delegation of the Silk Road Fund to visit Uzbekistan

24.07.2018PoliticsSource: UzA

On July 23, 2018, a delegation of the Chinese Silk Road Fund led by the Executive Vice President Si Xinbo arrived in Tashkent.