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Meeting with Anadolu Group Holding delegation

2018-07-31 | Economics

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Jamshid Kuchkarov met with the delegation of Anadolu Group holding company led by the Chairman of the Board Tuncay Ozilhan, at the Ministry of Finance. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Agriculture Bakhodir Yusupov and Chairman of JSC Uzbekoziqovqatholding Tokhirjon Jalilov.

Chairman of the Board of Anadolu Group Tuncay Ozilhan expressed his readiness to implement various joint projects, to attract the best practices and latest technologies in implementation of priority modernization programs, technical and technological re-equipment of industry and infrastructure.
As reported by the Information Service of the Ministry of Finance, the sides came to a preliminary agreement on strengthening the interaction of the potential of the two countries in such areas as agriculture, healthcare, textile industry, production of modern building materials, mechanical engineering, and others.
In the near future, it is planned to create a working group on identifying investment directions.

Source: UzA
