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Meeting of the intergovernmental commission

2018-07-24 | Economics

On July 23, a regular meeting of Uzbekistan – Vietnam intergovernmental commission for trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation was held at the International Trade Center in Tashkent.

The event was attended by heads of ministries, agencies and companies of the two countries responsible for such areas as foreign economic relations, trade and industry, investment, science and education, agriculture and water management.
Minister for Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, co-chairman of the commission Jamshid Khodjayev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong and others emphasized that the cooperation between our countries is developing consistently in all areas, including trade-economic, industrial and scientific-technical spheres.
At the meeting of the intergovernmental commission, it was noted that Uzbekistan and Vietnam are interested in further developing bilateral trade, expanding trade-economic, investment and scientific-technical cooperation. It was emphasized that the two countries have great potential for development of partnership in such spheres as agriculture, science and technology, tourism, entrepreneurship.
Development and implementation of joint projects were considered at the event. It was noted that due to favorable investment climate in Uzbekistan, the interest of Vietnamese businessmen to conducting business in Uzbekistan is growing. Issues of further intensification of interaction in the spheres of trade, economy, investment, private sector and others, introduction and development of environmentally friendly technologies were discussed.

Ulugbek Shonazarov, UzA 
