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Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development met with representatives of the tourism industry


Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Umarov met with representatives of tourism industry. 

Uzbekistan promotes its tourism brand in Indonesia


The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Jakarta organized a presentation on halal tourism within the framework of the III Indonesian business forum in order to promote Uzbekistan’s tourism brand. 

Japanese media to tell about Fergana


Japanese delegation from the leading media representatives (Sankei Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, The SekaiNippo and Sunday SekaiNippo, Hokkaido Broadcasting) and tour companies stayed in Fergana region, from April 28 to 29. They got acquainted with tourism potential of the region and filmed the main tourist routes of the region.

Meeting with the delegation of pilots of the World Air Sports Federation

30.04.2018TourismSource: UzA

On April 30, the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting with a delegation from Switzerland led by Peter Blaser, the head of the pilot delegation of the World Air Sports Federation (FAI, Switzerland). The meeting was opened by Deputy Chairman Shokhrukh Sharakhmetov. He expressed sincere admiration for the flights and offered to promote the development of aeronautics in Uzbekistan.

New agreements with Tajikistan


Delegation of tourism companies from Tajikistan visited Fergana region. Within the framework of the visit, foreign representatives of the tourism industry got acquainted with the tourism potential of the region, namely visited the historical sights of Kokand, including the Palace of Khudoyarkhan and the Jami Mosque, in Margilan – Pir Siddiq Complex, Said Akhmadkhuja madrassah, “Yodgorlik” silk factory, as well as Said Akhmedov’s ceramic workshop.

Presentation of the project “On the Great Silk Road. Pearls of Uzbekistan” in Almaty


Presentation dedicated to the Day of Unity of Kazakhstan People and the Year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan was held in Uzbekistan Embassy in Almaty. The project was implemented due to the support of the State Committee for Tourism Development of Uzbekistan, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan and “Gazpromneft-Kazakhstan” company. 

Tourists visited Kashkadarya


More than 100 tourists from Germany, France, Switzerland, Brazil, the UK and Singapore visited Kashkadarya region in April.