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Tourism on the Silk Road International Tourism Fair has ended

08.10.2018TourismSource: UzA

The event, organized by the State Tourism Development Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the UN World Tourism Organization and a number of partner organizations, was attended by representatives from over 100 travel companies from almost 40 countries, including Uzbekistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Iran.

Uzbekistan hosts International Tourism Fair


On October 3, the 24th Tashkent International Tourism Fair “Tourism on the Silk Road” kicked off at Uzexpocentre.

Tashkent Investment Potential is presented at NATAS Holidays 2018

27.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

At the tourism exhibition of Singapore, NATAS Holidays 2018, special attention was paid to presentation of Tashkent tourism potential. Employees of the Department for Tourism showed a new video on the investment potential of the city of Tashkent.

Uzbekistan used virtual reality technology at a tourism exhibition in Singapore

27.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

At the largest tourism exhibition in Singapore NATAS Holidays 2018, representatives from Uzbekistan presented the country’s tourism opportunities using advanced technologies including virtual reality technologies. The stand of Uzbekistan was prepared by employees of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Singapore, the Department of the State Committee for Tourism Development in Tashkent.

Uzbekistan – UNESCO: New Horizons of Partnership

24.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

Delegation of Uzbekistan consisting of the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate S.Safoyev, Deputy Prime Minister A.Abdukhakimov, Chairman of the Committee for Democratic Institutions, NGOs and Civil Society Institutions of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis A.Saidov and Deputy Minister of Culture K.Akilova paid a visit to France.

French Alliance is interested in expanding its activities in Uzbekistan

24.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

Within the framework of Uzbekistan delegation’s visit to France, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Abdukhakimov held a meeting with the Regional Director for Central Asia of the French Alliance Mikael de la Fuente.

Activation of tourist flows from Greece: flight launch and opening of a visa center

24.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

Greece delegation led by the owner of the Orange2Fly Greek Airline Company P.Sofianos and CEO at Orange2Fly Airlines S.A. I.Papaslanis arrived in Tashkent.

State Committee for Tourism Development hosts workshop on tourism development

14.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

On August 13-17, Tashkent will host workshop on resilient cultural heritage and sustainable tourism development.

Meeting with UNWTO experts

13.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

Meetings with experts from Spain, in particular, with the President of the International Tourism Association of Professionals Jose Luis Lorenzo, with the expert of the UN World Tourism Organization Edith Szivas were held within the framework of creation of the ITU Silk Road program.

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics conducted selective surveys on the revision of the average cost of tourists


The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on statistics, jointly with the State Committee for Tourism Development and the Ministry of Foreign Trade, conducted selective surveys from June 4 to June 30 of this year at the Tashkent International Airport named Islam Karimov, at the Tashkent central railway station, as well as at the customs border posts of the Republic Karakalpakistan, Andijan, Bukhara, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya, Tashkent, Fergana and Kharezm regions to review the average costs of one tourist During the survey period, 10249 people were interviewed. Of these, participated 5174 foreign citizens (services exports) and 4495 citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan (import of services).

Public Council is established under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development

06.08.2018TourismSource: UzA

As previously reported, the State Committee for Tourism Development is taking systematic steps for effective cooperation and communication between the committee and tourism entities. For this purpose, the Public Council has been established under the State Committee for Tourism Development by the order of the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development and its membership has been approved.