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Republic of Uzbekistan



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The Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a round table on the topic: "The participation of the banking sector in the development of relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Tatarstan"


On August 29, 2018, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a meeting with representatives of the joint-stock commercial bank AK BARS of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation) and the banking sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the export-import insurance company Uzbekinvest.

The international forum will present the diversity of Maqom

The national art of maqom, which is an integral part of the cultural heritage of our people, with its ancient history, deep philosophy and rich creative traditions has an important place in our spiritual life. Recognition by the UNESCO of Shashmaqom as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind proves the fact that this unique art form is the property of the whole world.

New industrial zone in Namangan


Orzu small industrial zone began its activity in the city of Namangan.

Draft laws provide for improvement of the legal basis of reforms

28.08.2018SocietySource: UzA

At a regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis held on August 27, a number of draft laws aimed at legal support of reforms were considered.

“Silk Road Bazaar” continues in Samarkand


Samarkand hosts national handicraft and trade festival “Silk Road Bazaar”.

Development Strategy Center signed Memorandum of Cooperation with Israel’s Holon Institute of Technology

25.08.2018SocietySource: UzA

A group of officials from Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of the Development Strategy Center, Office of the President, and Ministry of Health, is currently visiting Israel. The main objective of the visit is familiarization with the latest updates in the healthcare system, effective methods of management in the sector, latest medical equipment and technologies, as well as activities of major medical facilities and best practices of leading Israeli specialists.

Translator from Uzbekistan became the owner of a high award


Publication last year of the book by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping on governance in Uzbek in cooperation of the Publishing and Printing House “Uzbekistan” and the Chinese publishing house “Foreign Languages Press”, which publishes literature in foreign languages, became an important result of the joint scientific- creative work.