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New industrial zone in Namangan

2018-08-28 | Society

Orzu small industrial zone began its activity in the city of Namangan.

Representatives of state and public organizations, entrepreneurs and business people, labor veterans and youth took part in the solemn event organized on this occasion.
In Orzu small industrial zone, it is planned to implement 22 projects worth 142 billion sums in such spheres as light industry, production of food, printing products, medical equipment, polyethylene bags and films, energy saving lamps.

On the territory of more than one and a half hectares the “Orzu Ideal tekstil” enterprise implemented a project worth 24 billion sums. 500 jobs are created at this enterprise with the production capacity of 250 thousand clothes per year and the expected volume of exports of $ 2 million. After using the next stage of the project, 250 people will be provided with work.
In addition, about a thousand jobs are created at such enterprises as “Porloq tekstil liboslari”, “Nurobod sifat tekstil”, “Ulug’-B”, “White gold towel textile”, “Kvars sanoat servis”, “Bosir tekstil servis”, “Sug’diyona fayz tekstil”, “Universal Food Trade”, “Mega eco plast” in Orzu small industrial zone.

The participants of the opening ceremony got acquainted with the process of production of the first batch of products at enterprises of Orzu small industrial zone, conditions created for employees.

After full implementation of all the projects, the annual production capacity of Orzu small industrial zone will exceed 82 billion sums, about 4 thousand people will be employed. The main part of products will be exported.

As it was noted at the opening ceremony, three more small industrial zones “Yuksalish”, “Pakhtalikul”, “Khonobod” will be organized in the city of Namangan, where more than 12 thousand new jobs will be created.


Akromjon Sattorov, UzA
