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The international forum will present the diversity of Maqom

2018-08-28 | Society

The national art of maqom, which is an integral part of the cultural heritage of our people, with its ancient history, deep philosophy and rich creative traditions has an important place in our spiritual life. Recognition by the UNESCO of Shashmaqom as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind proves the fact that this unique art form is the property of the whole world.

Many famous artists from Fergana region introduced the world to various areas of national art song. The song “Omonyor” performed by Tamara-khanum, Oykhon part in “Tricks of Maysara” performed by Saodat Kobulova, “Adashganman” song performed by Berta Davidova, “Mustahzod” song performed by Mamurjon Uzokov, “Fergana before dawn” song performed by Tavakkal Kodirov are performed in many languages of the world.
To date, the regional maqom ensemble “Sanoi nafisa” is carrying out activity in the theater of the city of Margilan. All conditions for the creative team are created here. In the offices equipped with necessary musical instruments, creative classes are conducted with participation of experienced masters.

M.Suleymanov, UzA
