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Draft laws provide for improvement of the legal basis of reforms

2018-08-28 | Society

At a regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis held on August 27, a number of draft laws aimed at legal support of reforms were considered.

In particular, the draft law “On protection of victims, witnesses and other participants of the criminal process”, introduced by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has become the subject of active discussion among the deputies.

This draft law provides for further regulation of relations in the sphere of protection of a victim, witnesses and other participants of the criminal process.
According to deputies, the adoption of the draft law will serve to increase the confidence in the legislation of participants of the criminal process, ensure their security, achieve justice, as well as establish in society the principle of inevitability of punishment for a crime.

At the meeting, deputies also discussed the draft law “On international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in new version. As deputies emphasized, international relations of Uzbekistan have reached a new level, great attention is paid to the all-round development of mutually beneficial cooperation with developed countries, especially with neighboring countries, international organizations in foreign policy. Thus, over the past six months, a number of documents have been adopted, agreements on foreign policy and international cooperation have been signed.

At present, foreign countries and international organizations are showing great interest in Uzbekistan in expanding cooperation in the economic, investment, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres. This, in turn, requires the adaptation of existing legal acts to the current conditions and requirements, the current development strategy of the country.

Deputies emphasized that the adoption of this draft law will serve to strengthen and improve the legal framework of international cooperation as one of the main instruments for implementing the country’s foreign policy. This will serve to conclude promising bilateral and multilateral treaties, ultimately, to enhance the authority of the country as an equal member of the world community.

As reported by the Press Service of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, following the lively discussions, the draft laws discussed in the first reading were conceptually approved, and responsible committees were tasked to prepare draft laws for the second reading, taking into account the opinions and proposals forwarded during the discussions.

Source: UzA
