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Uzbekistan’s Ambassador of “Ziyorat Tourism” to Pakistan appointed

20.10.2020TourismSource: Information agency "Dunyo"

Uzbekistan diplomats in Rawalpindi presented a certificate of conferring the title of Ambassador of “Ziyorat Tourism” of Uzbekistan to the son of the leader of the Naqshbandi tariqa teaching in Pakistan, Pir Muhammad Naqib-ur-Rahman, Pir Muhammad Hasib ur-Rahman, reports IA “Dunyo” correspondent.

The award ceremony for the contribution to the development of tourism "Tourism fidoiysi" – “Tourism adherents”

15.10.2020TourismSource: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan

October 13, 2020, the official ceremony of awarding “Tourism fidoiysi” -“Tourism adherents” badge for the contribution to the development of tourism in Uzbekistan was held at the Hilton Tashkent City hotel.   

Iranian experts to be involved in Uzbekistan’s historical sites restoration

09.10.2020TourismSource: UzA

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development Aziz Abdukhakimov has met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hamid Nayyerabadi.

Issues of development of extreme and sports tourism were discussed

08.10.2020TourismSource: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The State committee for tourism development held a meeting dedicated to supporting extreme and other popular types of tourism in Uzbekistan and their further development. It was attended by representatives of the Federation of extreme tourism, the Federation of aeronautics and the Federation of paragliding of Uzbekistan. 

Tourism Development Institute will deal with gender equality and employment in tourism

06.10.2020TourismSource: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The Institute for Tourism Development under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development is launching an intergovernmental research project in the field of tourism: “Tourism contributes to poverty reduction; employment and development of women in Uzbekistan”with Chinese partners  

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Committee for tourism development Aziz Abdukhakimov congratulated representatives of the tourism industry on their professional holiday

27.09.2020TourismSource: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan

September 27 - World Tourism Day. This holiday, which is celebrated in all countries that are members of the UN world tourism organization, is aimed at promoting tourism, highlighting its contribution to the world economy and further developing relations between the peoples of different countries.