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The award ceremony for the contribution to the development of tourism "Tourism fidoiysi" – “Tourism adherents”

2020-10-15 | Tourism

October 13, 2020, the official ceremony of awarding “Tourism fidoiysi” -“Tourism adherents” badge for the contribution to the development of tourism in Uzbekistan was held at the Hilton Tashkent City hotel.   

The ceremony was attended by heads of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development, award winners, guests of honor, representatives of ministries, departments and domestic media.

The event was opened by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development Aziz Abdukhakimov.

"As you know, in recent years, at the initiative of our President - Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a number of decrees and resolutions on the accelerated development of tourism have been signed, thanks to which the country's tourism industry is recognized as one of the strategic sectors of the economy. At the same time, a lot of work has been done for developing of tourism in our regions.

The solemn presentation of the "Tourism fidoiysi" badge was a worthy gift for the 29th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. I hope, that this badge will serve as an incentive for the citizens of our Republic and our compatriots living abroad to show the world the rich history and culture of our homeland," - Aziz Abdukhakimov said. In order to encourage achievements in the field of tourism, the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 433 dated July 10, 2020 approved the regulation on the procedure for awarding representatives in the field of tourism. In accordance with the regulations, employees of state bodies, public organizations, economic entities, representatives of the social sphere and mass media, as well as compatriots abroad who have made a worthy contribution to the development and popularization of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan are awarded the badge for their merits and active promotion work.

State bodies, public organizations, mass media and economic entities at the local level had to submit proposals on awarding their representatives with a badge to the territorial divisions of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development before August, 1, this year. State bodies of the Republican level, diplomatic missions abroad, public organizations, mass media and organizations also submitted their candidates for the honorary award until August 1, this year.

During the selection of candidates for the "Tourism fidoiysi" award, the special commission took into account the following achievements: -creation of a positive image of Uzbekistan abroad and promotion of the tourism potential of our country among a wide audience; -effective development of modern tourist products and services with innovative solutions; -effective activities to attract foreign investment aimed at further development of tourism in Uzbekistan; -the number and popularity of materials aimed at popularizing the tourism potential of Uzbekistan in leading foreign and local media, as well as bringing the ongoing reforms in the tourism sector to the General public; -active participation in the development and implementation of state programs, regional and other programs in the field of tourism; -activities to develop certain types of tourism and increase the attractiveness of tourist destinations; -efforts to expand the range of services provided to tourists and improve the quality of services provided; -effective activities in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities in the field of tourism; -effective public control over the implementation of the law “On the tourism”; -active participation in the preservation, development and promotion of cultural heritage objects; -many years of experience in training qualified personnel for the tourism and service sector, introducing the traditions of an apprentice teacher, and actively participating in local and international grant projects; -relevance and implementation of proposals, innovations and works developed on the basis of an in-depth scientific analysis of the prospects and existing problems of the tourism industry development; -effective activities for further development of tourist infrastructure and organization of new tourist destinations; -significant contribution to improving the sanitary and hygienic condition of tourist infrastructure facilities; -implementation of successful business activities in the field of tourism and related areas, as well as implementation of effective public-private partnership projects; -strengthening the regulatory framework for the development of the tourism industry in Uzbekistan and its contribution to the development of cooperation between government agencies; -effective activities to develop cooperation and strengthen ties between Uzbekistan and foreign countries in the field of tourism, etc.

Prize winners are awarded a cash prize, paid at a time in the amount of 10 times the amount of the basic calculation value. "Tourism fidoyisi" badge will be awarded by the leadership of the State Committee for tourism development.

Names of holders of "Tourism fidoyisi" badge:

1. Abdullayev Makhmud Mamajanovich – head of the Uzbek restaurant "LAZZAT" in South Korea; 2. Badak Sadik – adviser to the Chairman of the State Committee for tourism development (Turkey); 3. Amina Bekjanova Karimbaeva – Director of "MUYNAK TOUR" LLC (Republic of Karakalpakstan); 4. Zarifullaev Gulmurod Sayfullayevich - head of the family-run guest house "Syntobiston" (Navoi region); 5. Kadirov Doniyor Bakhtiyorovich - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan for ensuring security at tourist and transport facilities - Colonel; 6. Kiyoshi Kurosawa - film director, screenwriter, writer and producer of the film "To the End of the Earth", filmed in Uzbekistan (Japan); 7. Makhkamov Ilkham Rustamovich – First Deputy Minister of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan;  8. Nazirov Alisher Nosirovich - potter, member of the Rishtan district branch of the Fergana region of the "Khunarmand" Association; 9. Saydaminov Murodulla - General Director of the travel agency "Orient Voyage" (Samarkand region); 10. Sophie Ibbotson - Tourism Brand Ambassador of Uzbekistan in the UK; 11. Saliev Takhirjan Nurmamatovich - Chairman of the Aeronautics Federation of Uzbekistan; 12. Tongqian Tony Zou - Advisor to the rector of the silk road International University of tourism (Republic of China); 13. Tukhvatullina Elmira Akramovna - Deputy Director for creative work of the state unitary enterprise "Dunyo Bo'ylab", the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan; 14. Ubaidullaev Ravshan Umarovich – The head of the project on the organization of ski resort "Amirsoy"; 15. Uiterdick Katerina - Initiator of the restoration of the Shukhov water body in Bukhara and the construction of a tourist facility on its basis, investor (France); 16. Sharapov Anvar Kurbanovich – posthumously (last job - adviser to the Chairman of the Association of private tourism organizations of Uzbekistan, former Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism development); 17. Khayitova Mukhayo Kholmurodovna - Deputy head of the Department for Coordination of Territorial Administrations, State Committee for Tourism Development; 18. Khakimov Dilyor Zafarovich - Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Kingdom of Belgium, head of representative offices in the European Union and NATO. 19. Kholmatov Erkin Irgashevich - Head of the Jizzakh Regional Department of Ecology and Environment. 

Source: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
