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Issues of development of extreme and sports tourism were discussed

2020-10-08 | Tourism

The State committee for tourism development held a meeting dedicated to supporting extreme and other popular types of tourism in Uzbekistan and their further development. It was attended by representatives of the Federation of extreme tourism, the Federation of aeronautics and the Federation of paragliding of Uzbekistan. 

In recent years, significant reforms have been carried out in our country to develop sports, extreme and recreational tourism in our country. However, there are a number of other spheres that require modern requirements and support.  These include paragliding, hang gliding, aeronautics, small aircraft, mountain tourism, MTB cycling, ice skating, motorcycle tourism, and auto tourism. The meeting was held in order to develop extreme and active types of tourism.

As part of the event, the State Committee for tourism development proposed to the Federation of extreme and mountain tourism and the Federation of аeronautics of Uzbekistan to create a modern international center for the development of extreme and active tourism on this territory. The need to create modern conditions for year-round reception and accommodation of pilots, active tourists and guests of the city was noted. The paradeltadrome "Yusufkhona", located on the border with the Charvak reservoir, has unique climatic conditions for the development of active types of tourism, such as aeronautics, water tourism, mountain tourism and hiking. Also during the meeting, the issue of implementation training programs for hotels, gyms for theoretical and practical training, ground handling systems, rescue services, medical institutions, parachuting and paragliding, water and active tourism was discussed.

During the negotiations, a number of issues related to the need to support this area, which has a close relationship between tourism and sports, were discussed. It was noted that it is necessary to study in depth foreign experience in this field, attract foreign partners and investors to the development of these tourism industries. It was also noted that for the Federation of extreme and mountain tourism, it is necessary to allocate a territory in the Chimgan region in order to develop a modern sports tourism base, a school for mountaineers and guides, and the constant organization of competitions, expeditions, sports trips, control over public flights and create first medical aid points. In addition, the question was raised about the development of a curriculum for the school of guide instructors, for the college of tourism, as well as sports sections on the basis of universities in the field of sports.

It is worth noting that the development of this type of extreme sports allows attracting tens of thousands of tourists to the country every year, and then increasing the monetization of sports and tourist services.  

Source: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
