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Republic of Uzbekistan



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Health care

Indian delegation visits Uzbekistan

12.10.2018 Healthcare

Specialists from India led by the Chancellor of Sharda University, Professor Pradeep Kumar Gupta visited Andijan State Medical Institute.

Central Asian Radiation Oncology Congress

10.10.2018 Healthcare

On October 5-7, the Central Asian Radiation Oncology Congress on “Modern achievements of radiation therapy and its prospects in Central Asia” was held in Layner Mountain Resort Complex, in Tashkent region.

Interdistrict Hemodialysis Center to be opened in Jizzakh in 2019

30.08.2018 HealthcareSource: UzA

An agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and the well-known company VAMs GmbH (Germany) was signed within the framework of the International Investment Forum, held in Jizzakh region. The purpose of this cooperation is implementation of an investment project in the field of nephrologic and hemodialysis assistance to the population of the country.

Uzbekistan gets the opportunity to treat cancer patients using the world’s leading clinics technologies

28.08.2018 Healthcare

On August 28, 2018, the Radiotherapy Complex of Elekta Infinity company has been opened in the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, where a modern remote radiation therapy device with a linear electron accelerator is installed.

WHO experts take part in development of the draft concept of medicine

01.08.2018 HealthcareSource: UzA

A delegation led by the leading expert of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Melitta Jakab, comprehensively studying the ongoing medico-social reforms in the country, is preparing proposals on the draft Concept, which is being developed on radically improvement of the healthcare system. In addition, international experts during the visit are becoming directly acquainted with the process of providing medical services to the population in many medical institutions, holding meetings with specialists from the Ministry of Health, as well as a number of ministries and agencies.