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WHO experts take part in development of the draft concept of medicine

2018-08-01 | Healthcare

A delegation led by the leading expert of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Melitta Jakab, comprehensively studying the ongoing medico-social reforms in the country, is preparing proposals on the draft Concept, which is being developed on radically improvement of the healthcare system. In addition, international experts during the visit are becoming directly acquainted with the process of providing medical services to the population in many medical institutions, holding meetings with specialists from the Ministry of Health, as well as a number of ministries and agencies.

In particular, at the meeting with the Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov many proposals were forwarded concerning the draft Concept aimed at radical improvement of the system. Experts highly appreciated the efforts on thoroughly studying the best practices of foreign countries, raising the development of the medical sphere on this basis to a new stage, strengthening social support for workers, improving the system of training qualified specialists. It was noted that in the medical sphere of Uzbekistan, a reasonable strategy and sustainable directions are being determined and this year WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is expected to visit the country to take part in these historic events.
As reported by the Information Service of the Ministry of Health, based on the visit of this international delegation, which is actively operating in Uzbekistan, it is planned to hold a presentation aimed at development of reforms in the healthcare system of Uzbekistan.

Source: UzA
