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Republic of Uzbekistan



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Compatriots in Malaysia are ready to make a worthy contribution to the development of Uzbekistan


A meeting with compatriots who are in Malaysia in connection with studies, work and family circumstances was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Malaysia. 

The UN High Commissioner and students exchanged views


The National Human Rights Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized an online meeting with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, at Tashkent State University of Economics. 

Cooperation of the Central Asian countries in electric power industry


Tashkent hosted an international conference on “Reforms and prospects in electric power industry: experience and conclusions”, in cooperation with the Joint Stock Company “Uzbekenergo” and the Asian Development Bank. 

Liberalization of monetary policy in Uzbekistan: results and prospects


On June 25, 2018, the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Budget and Economic Reforms organized a scientific-practical conference on “The impact of liberalization of monetary policy on the economy of Uzbekistan and the way of life of the population: success and problems”, at the Banking and Finance Academy. 

President of the National Human Resources Development Institute of the Republic of Korea visited the DSC


On June 25, a meeting with representatives of the Korean delegation led by the President of the National Human Resources Development Institute Mr. Dong-ho Oh was held at the Development Strategy Center. During the conversation, issues of development of bilateral cooperation and deepening partnership between the agencies of the two countries were discussed. 

Interagency mobile teams will further strengthen international cooperation in countering the smuggling of narcotic drugs


The official ceremony of launching the activities of Interagency mobile teams on combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs in Uzbekistan was held at Uzexpocentre. Mobile teams are organized from among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service and the State Customs Committee. 

The journey of graduates is just beginning!


Ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates was held at the Higher Military Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee.