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The journey of graduates is just beginning!

2018-06-26 | Society

Ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates was held at the Higher Military Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee. 

The event was attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, veterans of the Customs Committee, representatives of the general public, parents and the mass media workers.

To date, the Institute has 2 faculties, 11 departments, as well as independent departments. All conditions for students to get knowledge at a professional level are created there. Classrooms are equipped with the latest scientific and technical equipment. 

In the process of training, economic, legal, humanitarian, fundamental sciences, such subjects as organization of customs control, management of foreign economic activity of the state, operational-search activity, customs statistics and information technologies are thoroughly studied.

The students underwent additional courses in such areas as unified automated information system introduced in activities of customs authorities, the standards of safety of simplification of international trade adopted by the World Customs Organization, assessment of danger and control system, the use of radiation portal monitors and other relevant areas. 

A concert with participation of famous singers was held at the event. 

Davron Sunnatov, photos by Farkhod Abdurasulov, UzA
