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Compatriots in Malaysia are ready to make a worthy contribution to the development of Uzbekistan

2018-06-27 | Society

A meeting with compatriots who are in Malaysia in connection with studies, work and family circumstances was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Malaysia. 

More than 40 people took part in this event, including students and professors of Putra University, the International Islamic University, the Islamic Science University, as well as employees of the leading Malaysian companies Petronas, Google Malaysia, Data Micron Systems, Consolsys and others. 

At the event, the participants were acquainted with the large-scale transformations in the banking system, in the spheres of economy, science, education, innovative development of public administration, tourism, youth policy and urban development in Uzbekistan. The need for strengthening activities with compatriots to preserve their cultural and spiritual roots, to ensure the continuity of their ties with the Motherland, as well as to create conditions for formation of patriotic and spiritually rich young generation was emphasized.

At the meeting, the compatriots shared their vision of improving the system of higher education, developing the tourism industry, introducing innovative technologies in the process of school education and providing public services. 

Citizens of Uzbekistan also proposed to organize videoconferencing of compatriots with representatives of a number of ministries and departments of the country to exchange views, introduce advanced Malaysian experience, discuss prospects for cooperation in various sectors, as well as development of a mechanism for their possible subsequent employment in Uzbekistan. 

Discussion of the draft Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation with compatriots living abroad caused special interest. The compatriots emphasized the timeliness of development of this document aimed at ensuring the protection of their rights and legitimate interests abroad, which will also contribute to their active involvement in the process of economic, cultural, humanitarian and social transformation of Uzbekistan. 

To date, young people who want to contribute to the development of our country, the majority, are ready to unite for the sake of prosperity of the Motherland. In this context, the Concept of the State Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on cooperation with compatriots living abroad will promote the wide involvement of active young generation abroad to actively participate in the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan. 

Following the meeting, the compatriots unanimously agreed on the need to increase their activity in development of Uzbekistan's economic and social life through wide application of mechanisms of people's diplomacy. 

Highly qualified specialists from Uzbekistan expressed their readiness to provide their developments on improving various spheres of public life of the republic on the basis of their specialties and personal experience for the sake of prosperity of the country. 
