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National Maqom Art conquers the world


International Forum of Maqom Art will be held for the first time at the initiative of the Head of the state on September 6-10 this year in Shakhrisabz. Currently active preparation for this music holiday is being carried out in Uzbekistan.

Writers Unions of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation


Within the framework of the International conference on “Problems of studying and disseminating of Uzbek classical and contemporary literature in the international scale”, a meeting with the chairman of the Writers Union of Kazakhstan Ulugbek Esdaulet was held at the Writers Union of Uzbekistan.

Maqom – source of national values


The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a press conference dedicated to activities being carried out on preparation for the International Forum of Maqom Art and holding it at a high level.

Native landscapes photography exhibition


The Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers jointly with the creative association “Tasviriy oyina” and the Academy of Arts, organized a photography exhibition on “Our strength in unity and cohesion” and “Uzbekistan is our common home”, at Tashkent House of Photography.

Uzbekistan – Tajikistan: Mutual trust and cultural cooperation strengthen

03.08.2018CultureSource: UzA

On August 2, Tashkent hosted a roundtable discussion on “Uzbekistan and Tajikistan: prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation”, organized within the framework of the visit of the delegation led by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan Shamsiddin Orumbekzoda. 

Cultural ties are strengthening


Delegation led by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan Shamsiddin Orumbekzoda arrived in Uzbekistan.

Margilan to host Atlas Festival

19.07.2018CultureSource: UzA

Festival of Traditional Textiles “Atlas bayrami” is held since 2015 in the ancient city of Margilan with the support of the UNESCO Office in order to preserve the cultural heritage, support the development of crafts, as well as improve the quality and design of traditional crafts.

Cultural heritage is an invaluable treasure

19.07.2018CultureSource: UzA

The Ministry of Culture hosted a meeting on preservation and use of cultural heritage.