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Uzbekistan – Tajikistan: Mutual trust and cultural cooperation strengthen

2018-08-03 | Culture

On August 2, Tashkent hosted a roundtable discussion on “Uzbekistan and Tajikistan: prospects for cultural and humanitarian cooperation”, organized within the framework of the visit of the delegation led by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan Shamsiddin Orumbekzoda. 

The event was attended by deputies, representatives of ministries and agencies, creative and public organizations, civil society institutions, spheres of culture and education of the two countries. 

The State Advisor to the President H.Sultanov read the welcome message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the participants of the event and guests. 

It was noted that in the last two years, positive dynamics were observed in development of bilateral ties. An important role in this is played by the dialogue of the heads of the two states that has become regular and the agreements reached during these meetings. This facilitates raising bilateral relations in all spheres to a qualitatively new stage, proceeding from the interests of fraternal people. 

The dynamics of cooperation was reflected in the documentary film “Under one sky”, presented within the framework of the event. 

At the event, the sides exchanged views on cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. It was noted that today relations between scientific and education institutions, mass media, creative teams of the two countries have intensified. Interaction between women’s organizations, trade unions and civil society institutions is developing. At the event, the need was noted for further intensifying contacts for the exchange of achievements and experience in education, production, science, based on existing capacity. 

The approval of the agreement by the resolution of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev providing for a visa-free stay of Tajikistan citizens in Uzbekistan for up to 30 days was highly appreciated. 

Following the event, the participants agreed to jointly develop programs on raising relations in the sphere of science, cooperation between universities, exchange of experience in healthcare to a qualitatively new level. 

At the International Press Club, in connection with the visit of the delegation of Tajikistan, an event on “Uzbekistan – Tajikistan: interstate cooperation, mutual trust and common interests” was organized. 

At the event with participation of heads of ministries and agencies, representatives of scientific circles, writers, art and culture figures of the two countries, a new era of mutually beneficial cooperation in these areas on the basis of centuries-old historical and cultural ties between people was discussed. 

The guests visited the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the National Library named after Alisher Navoi, got acquainted with their activities and created conditions. Issues of cooperation and exchange of experience between scientific and academic circles of the two countries were discussed. 


Ulugbek Shonazarov, UzA

Source: UzA
