The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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July 1 - the day of the launch of the Single interactive state services portal


Launching of the Single portal, available in the Internet via, was 2 years before – July 1, 2013.

During the period of activity of the Single portal, significant work has been done, in particular:
- More than 600 organizations of government and economic management, local governance authorities, including district and city khokimiyats were connected;
- More than 230 different services launched;
- Services on appointment to head of government authorities, vacancy announcements with opportunity to send the CV by users, send the application to receive biometric passport, services for future entrepreneurs, development of business sphere, also different conveniences for users and state authorities realized;
- Specific legal acts and different instructions for state authority representatives on working with the State portal developed;
- Centralized processing system of citizens’ applications implemented. All citizens` applications, receiving via the Single portal can be centrally tracked; time and quality of their execution can be controlled;
- Consultation works with responsible officers of the state authorities on working with the Single portal and etc. are holding on regular basis.

More than 250 thousand applications were sent to state authorities through the Single portal during the past period, among them 95% are reviewed and responded. Around 12 thousand (5%) applications are on ongoing status. More than 145 thousand (58%) applications out of total number were sent by legal entities and more than 106 thousand (42%) applications out of total number were sent by individuals.

Special attention on the Single portal is devoting to development of entrepreneurship sphere and support its subjects. From January 1, 2014 registration of entrepreneurship subjects service has been launched. Thus, up to day, everyone desired to be an entrepreneur can register his/her business through online application.

In case of breaking the rights and legal interests of entrepreneurship subjects, as well as solution the issues and problems not resolving in local authorities, entrepreneurs can forward their appeals to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and organs of justice.

In addition, the Single interactive state services portal has its “Call-center” available at short number “1060” and “8-800-200-1818”. The service is free of charge – only the call according to the current rate for outgoing local calls is charged from the client.

By calling to «Call-center” office of the Single interactive state services portal, users can address their applications, complains and offers to government organs of the country. As for today, via operators of the “Call-center” more than 15 thousand calls have been processed and appeals were sent to government authorities.

Huge interest is growing to the activity of the Single portal in social networks, where citizens themselves advice to each other to use the Single portal as a tool to resolve the problems and sensitive situations.
