The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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USAID delegation visits Kashkadarya


Delegation of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) got acquainted with interactive services for citizens created in Kashkadarya region through E-SUD system.

In the State Committee on Statistics was held a meeting with representatives of the delegation of the Korean Data Agency (K-DATA)


On July 25 of this year, in the State Committee on Statistics was held a meeting with representatives of the delegation of the Korean Data Agency (K-DATA). The meeting focused on issues related to further cooperation between the two organizations.

Tashkent – Saint Petersburg online teleconference on expanding cooperation in textile industry


On July 25, Tashkent hosted a videoconference, where experts from Saint Petersburg and Uzbekistan discussed cooperation in the sphere of supplying textile, clothing and knitwear products to the market of the Russian Federation.

A multidisciplinary industrial complex to be created in Bayaut


A symbolic stone was laid in the foundation of the future multidisciplinary complex – the NCG Engineering Boyovut company, in Bayaut district of Syrdarya region.

New prospects for cooperation


The acting khokim of Surkhandarya region Bakhodir Pulatov met with the founders of the joint venture "Afghon-German" of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Samiulloh Samkani and Abdulvahob Kaimi.

Chinese investors visit Jizzakh


Delegation of entrepreneurs from Henan province of the People’s Republic of China arrived in Jizzakh region to become familiar with investment conditions and conclude cooperation agreements.