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New prospects for cooperation

2018-07-24 | Society

The acting khokim of Surkhandarya region Bakhodir Pulatov met with the founders of the joint venture "Afghon-German" of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Samiulloh Samkani and Abdulvahob Kaimi.

In the neighboring country, Uzbekistan implemented large-scale projects – built railway lines, water supply, bridges, and supplies electricity. Termez has a training center for Afghan citizens. The Trade House of Uzbekistan was opened in the city of Kabul. At the international business forum "Open South" held this year in Termez, dedicated to the investment, export and tourism potential of Surkhandarya region, more than 70 Afghan businessmen signed agreements with local partners, which demonstrates the practical results of the established ties between the two countries. 

At the meeting, businessmen of the neighboring country were provided with detailed information on the attractiveness of the business environment of the region, privileges and preferences granted to foreign investors, ongoing transformations and renovations, large-scale construction. 

During the meeting, agreements were reached on investing 10 million dollars in the region by the joint venture "Afghon-German", which has extensive experience in the field of construction, as well as building modern residential complexes and hotels in the city of Termez. 


Holmumin Mamatrayimov, UzA
