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DSC delegation attended an international scientific conference in Baku

05.10.2018ScienceSource: UzA

Development Strategy Center delegation attended an international scientific conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, on “Caucasus: history, modernity, future”, organized by the Turkish Historical Society and the Strategic Thinking Institute of the Republic of Turkey, the DSC reports.

Science and practice integration


The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources held a press conference at the National Press Center on the eve of the International Scientific Technical Conference “Integration of science and practice – mechanism for effective development of the geological sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan” to be held on August 17 this year.

Uzbekistan scientists invent seismic sensor used in recording oscillations, earthquakes and seismic surveys

16.07.2018ScienceSource: UzA

This device is used in seismological studies as part of engineering stations, in industrial explosions to assess the intensity of effects of seismic explosive waves, in production when assessing the impact of vibration waves from machinery and mechanisms on objects. 

Al-Khwarizmi laid the foundations of mathematics and algebra


Tashkent hosted an international conference dedicated to the 1235th anniversary of Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

Scientist of Uzbekistan is awarded the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences


Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, academician Shavkat Salikhov was elected a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the People’s Republic of China for outstanding achievements in the field of science.