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Al-Khwarizmi laid the foundations of mathematics and algebra

2018-04-05 | Science

Tashkent hosted an international conference dedicated to the 1235th anniversary of Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.

The event, organized by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, was attended by scientists of Uzbekistan, their colleagues from about 10 countries, specialists of the sphere, researchers and students. 

In accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan, the country is celebrating the 1235th anniversary of Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, which is an important factor in worthy evaluation and bringing to the youth the great and priceless heritage of the scientist. It also contributes to increasing the interest of youth in studying science, improving the system of training highly qualified specialists in the sphere of information communication technologies for leading sectors and spheres of the economy. 

The great scientist Muhammad al-Khwarizmi produced works in mathematics, geometry, astronomy, history, geography and other sciences. He was one of the first to invent and introduce the number “zero”, the decimal positional number system and the coordinates of places. Muhammad al-Khwarizmi laid the foundations of the science of algebra and the theory of algorithms, developed specific rules for presentation of scientific works and treatises. 

His achievements in development of mathematical science have received worldwide recognition. His name is immortalized in modern scientific terms “algorithm” and “algebra”. At present, scientific discoveries of the great scientist Muhammad al-Khwarizmi serve as the basis for all calculations in the sphere of information communication technologies based on high technologies. 

Such actual issues as the role of telecommunications, information and communication technologies in economic development, problems in the sphere and their solutions, the quality and security of provided services were discussed at the conference. 

Within the framework of the conference, workshops were held, during which original research in the spheres of e-commerce, using information technologies in introduction and development of the e-government system, the specialized software and hardware developments in the real sector of the economy, information security problems, designing “smart” and “safe” games, modern pedagogical information technologies were studied. Views were exchanged on telecommunication systems, digital television, radio, wireless technologies, and the prospects for development of radio engineering. Analytical materials and scientific works devoted to the theoretical foundations of information technologies were discussed. 


Mokhigul Kosimova, UzA
