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Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Khatamjon Ketmonov voted in the elections

2016-12-04 | Elections

The candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the People’s democratic party of Uzbekistan Khatamjon Ketmonov cast his vote at the 282th polling station in Almazar district of Tashkent on 4 December.

In the years of independence, a priority attention is paid to the issues of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, improving national election law in accordance with international norms, providing for its full correspondence with the democratic principles. The electoral system of our country, including the advanced experience of developed countries and national traditions, ensure free expression of the will of citizens. 

The principles of multi-party system, transparency, equality as well as secret ballot, which are included into foundation of our election law, are a demonstration of its full correspondence with high democratic requirements and criteria. 

The pre-election program of the candidate from the People’s democratic party of Uzbekistan is aimed at achieving such goals as ensuring interests of different groups of populations, firm compliance with the principles of strong social protection, strengthening attention to representatives of elder generation, socially vulnerable citizens, the youth, creation of new workplaces, further improving the quality of education. 

Our people are actively taking part in the presidential elections. This significant process for our country is taking place at a high organizational level, which exhibites active civil positions of our compatriots, who live with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and belonging to its future. 

Source: UzA
