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Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov votes in the elections

2016-12-04 | Elections

The Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the “Adolat” social-democratic party of Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov voted at the 55th polling station in Tashkent.

The reforms, carried out in our country, on regulating social-economic relations only through legislation, further improving the quality and level of life of the population, is yielding its results. The internationally acknowledged works on ensuring the supremacy law and social justice, introducing innovations into the economy, training of qualified personnel, development of science, further improving the role of civil society institutions are continuing. 

The national legislation determined that the people of Uzbekistan, consisting of its citizens irrespective of their ethnicity is a sole source of state power. The Constitutions provides for the right to be elect and be elected to the representative bodies of state power. The elections are an integral part of a democratic legal state, based on a strong civil society. They ensure participation of citizens in public administration and management. The future and further development of the country depend on the elections, held in high democratic requirements and universal international norms, based on the norms of the Constitution of Uzbekistan as well as voter activity and their choice. 

The presidential elections are a main political event. This process is taking place in full correspondence with the national legislation and international norms, principles of multi-party system, openness and transparency. Each voter, actively taking part in the elections and freely expressing his/her will, is voting for prosperity, peace in our country and a great future of our Motherland. 


Source: UzA
