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Team Uzbekistan return home from Rio Olympics

2016-08-24 | Sport

Athletes from Uzbekistan returned home from Rio Olympics with 4 gold, 2 silver and 7 bronze medals.

On 23 August a solemn meeting ceremony of winners and participants of these prestigious competitions took place at the Tashkent airport.

Representatives of state and public organizations, society, sportspeople, parents and relatives of Olympians, the press gathered at the airport.

At 21.00 the landing of a special Uzbekistan airways flight with our sportspeople on board was announced. Our athletes, who defended the honour and glorified our country in Rio arenas, set their foot on homeland and were greeted under the sounds of national instruments- karnay and sunray as well with flowers.

Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Yuldoshev, people’s artists of Uzbekistan E.Komilov, O.Nazarbekov, winner of the State Zulfiya prize, world Champion on taekwando D.Holjigitova, mother of Khasanboy Dusmatov D.Khayitboeva underlined that wide opportunities, created under the leadership of President Islam Karimov on forming the young generation of healthy and spiritually mature individuals, regular training in sports, demonstrating the possibilities and the potential, are yielding its results. They congratulated on victories in Rio of our Olympic winners, opening a new page in the sports history of Uzbekistan. People’s poet of Uzbekistan S.Sayid recited his poem, dedicated to our athletes.

Khasanboy Dusmatov, Ruslan Nurudinov, Shakobiddin Zoiriv, Fazliddin Gaibnazarov and Bektemir Melikuziev expressed sincere gratitude to President of our country for a high attention and care and assured they will aim to reach even higher achievements. 

– We are delighted to witness this ceremonial reception, – said a winner of a silver medal of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games Shakhram Giyasov. – This attention and support encourages us to attain new victories. Using this opportunity, I would like to congratulate our nation with the 25th anniversary of independence. 


– There are few countries in the world, which render so much trust to the youth, ceremonially seeing off and meeting young athletes! It’s too difficult to convey my feelings in words, thanks to everyone, - says the winner of a bronze medal Diyorbek Urozboev. – The Olympic Games have been a success not only for me, but also for the team Uzbekistan. The achievements of us, the youth, are the fruits of independence, attention and support of the President of our country. 

...The winners and participants of the Olympic Games and their parents got on the double-decker buses and started their journey from the airport to the city centre. Many city residents and guests greeted the Olympic medalists on the roads, flying the national flag in their hands.

Athletes, followed by thousands of fans, came to the National Olympic committee, where they were welcomed with fanfare.

One of the main directions of state policy from the first years of independence has been education of harmonically developed generation, not inferior to anyone. Physical culture and sports have turned into national movement.

Athletes from 200 countries took part in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Representatives from only 87 countries won medals in the Olympics, athletes from 59 countries won gold medals. Uzbek athletes, having won 13 medals, took 21st place in total medal count. Sports delegation of Uzbekistan finished the competition on the fourth place in Asia, the second in the CIS, the first place in Central Asia. 

Our boxers have won 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals and having left behind such countries with developed boxing culture as Cuba, the US, Great Britain and Russia and topped the boxing medal table.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev took part in the solemn ceremony. 
