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Uzbekistan imported 36 tons of saffron bulbs from the Netherlands

2017-08-26 | Economics

During the trip to Kashkadarya region, the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the flora of Uzbekistan is rich in medicinal plants, in particular, saffron has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times, gave recommendations to experts in the sphere of increasing the species and expanding plantations of such plants. 

At present, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Forestry jointly with “Brand Investment Group” LLC has started the creation of saffron plantations. 

– Saffron likes warmth and bright light, – says the main expert of the committee Mansurbek Satimboyev. – This plant completely corresponds to the soil and climatic conditions of our country, it is possible to grow it in Fergana valley, Tashkent, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Navoi and Djizak regions. The foundation of a profitable sphere can be laid if agricultural methods of industrial cultivation of saffron are explored well and farmers are attracted to it. From each hectare of plantation, an average of 4 kilograms of valuable raw materials can be gotten in the first year, in the second year – 7-8, in subsequent years – 15-16 kilograms. The cost of 1 kilogram of saffron varies from 400 to 1000 dollars in the world market. 1 kilogram of flowers costs from 2500 to 5000 dollars. 

The great healer Abu Ali ibn Sino wrote that the use of saffron provides beautiful skin color, visual acuity, healthy heart and respiratory organs. 

Cultivation of saffron in our country will serve as an important factor in providing the pharmaceutical, perfume and food industries with valuable local primary products. 



Sayyora Shoyeva, UzA 
