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Uzbekistan delegation to visit Germany


On November 14-15, 2019, Uzbekistan delegation led by the Chairman of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investment and Tourism Alisher Kurmanov will visit Berlin.

The delegation is expected to familiarize the German public with the ongoing political, legal and socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan, as well as the preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Germany, the delegation will hold a podium discussion “Uzbekistan before the elections: domestic political reforms and foreign policy prospects” at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and a roundtable discussion at Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Representatives of political, expert and analytical, public circles and German media will attend the events.

Meetings of members of the delegation in agencies of the Federal President and the Federal Chancellor, the Bundestag and the German Federal Foreign Office are also planned, during which the state and prospects for development of bilateral relations will be discussed. Views will be exchanged on current issues of the international agenda.

Source: UzA
