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Republican scientific-practical conference


The State Museum of the History of the Temurids in 9 april will host a Republican scientific-practical conference "The universal importance of the development of science and culture in the era of Amir Temur and Temurids".

In the history of humanity occurred such periods, when nations were ready to achieve great deeds under their leadership, they had reached their assigned goals and its results come true not for thousand, but in a very short historical period. Particularly these stages are memorized in the history of humanity unforgettable names of great figures, related to one or another people, who enriched world culture and served significant contribution to human civilization. There is no doubt that one of the most striking and brilliant periods in history was Amir Temur and the Temurids` epoch, that achieved enormous significance not only for our people, but has reached definite summit in the human scale. From the first days of attainment Independence in Uzbekistan was implemented deeply and truthfully scrutiny of our rich spiritual heritage and national values, the history of our prominent ancestor Sahibkiran Amir Temur and the Temurids`. So, in order to adequately study the heritage of Amir Temur were published above 500 books in foreign, and more than 900 in Oriental languages, and also a number of his images were performed. For his descendants Amir Temur legated not only vast empire, and also good traditions. In particular, all representatives of the Temurids dynasty for many years imitated to Amir Temur`s positive attitude towards improvement of matters, impartially governing a state, science, education, culture, art and etc. During the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids` in all spheres of political, economic, cultural and spiritual life appeared significant bound in development, that was named as Temurids` Renaissance in world scale.

For detail information:

Tel: (998 71) 232-02-12, 232-01-44.

Fax:(998 71) 232-02-13,

Source: State Museum of the Temurids` history
