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Victory at the Eurasian Culinary Festival

2018-05-07 | Jamiyat

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan hosted the II Eurasian Culinary Festival “Kazan-mangal”, in Bishkek. Chefs of Uzbekistan won gold and silver medals at this festival. 

Uzbekistan was represented by the team of the Association of Cooks of Uzbekistan. Obidjonov Azim and Mansurov Mukhitdin – graduates of the International Center for Uzbek Culinary Arts at the Association of Cooks of Uzbekistan won bronze at the culinary festival among professionals in “Dish from lamb” nomination (Obidjonov Azim) and “Pilaf from Uzgen rice” (Mansurov Mukhitdin). 

Professionals of the ACU team – Khamdamov Akhmad and Tulaganova Umriniso won gold in the “Black Box” nomination among 12 teams of professionals. Another gold was won in the nomination “Trout” by a master – chief Khamdamov Akhmad and silver in “Ethnic cuisine” nomination. 

Master – confectioner of ACU – Tulaganova Umriniso won gold in “Dessert” nomination. 
