The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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New on the portal
  • New page "Open Government" Detail>>>
  • Added widget FAQs Detail>>>
  • Added a list of government agencies in the Karakalpak language Detail>>>
  • Helplines of ministries and agencies Detail>>>
  • Government portal in Karakalpak language Detail>>>


Mobile libraries at bus and tram stops


The Samarqand regional informational-library centre has created mobile libraries at bus and tram stops in the city of Samarqand.

Enjoy Wi-Fi-equipped buses in Tashkent


“Toshshahartranskhizmat” (“Tashkent city transport service”) JSC has recently launched the “Wi-Fi Bus” project. It provides Tashkent buses with Internet service via Wi-Fi.

ICT Week: prospects and priorities


The traditional Week of information and communication technologies – “ICTWEEK Uzbekistan – 2017” has started in Uzbekistan. It will last until September 22 of this year and merge a number of events aimed at further improving the IT industry and presentation of the latest achievements in the field of communication and information. 

Robotics competition will be held in Tashkent


On September 20-21, Uzbekistan will host “Central Asia Robot Challenge” (CARC) competition at Uzexpocentre for the first time. The championship will take place within “ICTWEEK Uzbekistan – 2017” and will become one of the most important events in the national sports robotics.

“The best pavilion” of “Expo – 2017”


Astana, September 9. Special correspondent of UzA Bekzod Khidoyatov reports. 

International specialized exhibition “EXPO – 2017” in Kazakhstan is coming to an end. On September 9, ceremony of determining “The best pavilion” was held in “Expo village”.