The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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Reforms in the regional statistical offices - under the permanent control

07.07.2020SocietySource: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

6-iyuldan 19-iyulga qadar O‘zbekiston fuqarolarini xorijdan olib kelish bo‘yicha charter reyslar ro‘yxati

07.07.2020SocietySource: Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Respublika maxsus komissiyasining qaroriga muvofiq xorijdagi O‘zbekiston fuqarolarini Vatanga olib kelish uchun navbatdagi charter reyslarining jadvali tasdiqlandi.

A webinar was held with the participation of international experts to discuss the draft census questionnaire

03.07.2020SocietySource: Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 2 this year, a webinar was held to discuss the project "The questionnaire and the census of the population in 2022".

Coronavirus and the labor market: Uzbekistan and European countries exchanged experience in countering the pandemic

03.07.2020SocietySource: Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 1, the ILO Global Summit hosted a Regional session for Europe and Central Asia to discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on labour markets.