The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan



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Islamic solidarity serves to strengthening peace and interethnic friendship


On October 18, an international conference was held on “Islamic solidarity: on the example of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan” at the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

Exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the great writer


Works of the famous Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov won the hearts of millions of readers. The ideological and artistic intention of his articles in the genre of artistic publicism and literary criticism, novels and stories calls for the preservation of peace, love and mercy on the planet, caring attitude to the native land.

In a friendly family


A cultural program in connection with the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea and the 80th anniversary of the ethnic Koreans living in Uzbekistan was held in Samarkand.