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Uzbekistan - a cradle of Islamic culture at the international level


The acting Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development Abdulaziz Akkulov and British public figure Ahmed Salim,  who was included in the rating of the most influential Muslims of the world “The Muslim 500” in 2014-2018, agreed to promote Uzbekistan as the cradle of Islamic culture at the international level.

Ecotourism will be developed around the Aydar-Arnasay lake system


Today, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the tourism development is carrying out purposeful work, providing for the development of the tourism industry of Uzbekistan. In particular, conditions are created for the development and promotion of such types of tourism as ecotourism, geotourism, extreme, medical, autotourism, mountaineering and other modern outdoor activities.

The prize winner of the world WSC Championship is going to take part in the I International tournament "Games of heroes" in Khiva


On June 6-9, Seoul hosts the 34th international tourism exhibition “Seoul International Tourism Industry Fair” (SITIF), where Uzbekistan presents its national stand.

International investment forum has started in Namangan

07.06.2019TourismSource: Ministry of Tourism and cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Today, June, 7, the International investment forum "Investments in Namangan" and the exhibition of manufacturers in the Namangan region are launched.

Tourism Brand Ambassador of Uzbekistan is appointed in the UK

07.06.2019TourismSource: UzA

Founder and Director of Maximum Exposure consulting firm Sophie Ibbotson was presented a certificate of appointment the Ambassador of Uzbekistan’s tourism brand in the UK, at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in London.

SITIF: Uzbekistan participates in one of the largest international tourism exhibitions in Asia


June, 6-9, Seoul hosts the 34th international tourism exhibition Seoul International Tourism Industry Fair (SITIF), where Uzbekistan presented the national stand.