The Government portal of the
Republic of Uzbekistan

State Awards



The title of "Uzbekistan Kahramoni" is the highest degree of distinction and is assigned to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for services rendered to the government and people connected with the commission of the heroic deed. In exceptional cases, the title of "Uzbekistan Kahramoni" can be assigned and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A person who is awarded the title of "Uzbekistan Kahramoni, awarded" medals "Oltin Yulduz" and corresponding document to award the title.

  • Order «Mustakillik»
  • Order «Amir Temur»
  • Order «Jaloliddin Manguberdi»
  • Order «Buyuk xizmatlari uchun»
  • Order «El-yurt hurmati »
  • Order «Fidokorona xizmatlari uchun»
  • Order «Mehnat shuhrati»
  • Order «Sog'lom avlod uchun» I-degree
  • Order «Sog'lom avlod uchun» II-degree
  • Order «Shon-sharaf» I-degree
  • Order «Shon-sharaf» II-degree
  • Order «Do`stlik»

Order «Mustakillik»

Order of "Mustakillik" is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his outstanding contribution to building and strengthening of the independent state of law, peace and progress in the country. In exceptional cases, the Order of "Mustakillik" and may be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Order «Amir Temur»

Order of «Amir Temur» is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his contribution to strengthening of statehood, a significant contribution to architecture, science, leteratury and art, including the martial arts. Order «Amir Temur» are awarded for special contribution to the strengthening of international cooperation, peace and friendship between peoples. Order «Amir Temur» may be awarded and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Order «Jaloliddin Manguberdi»

Order «Jaloliddina Manguberdi» is awarded to military commanders who showed samples of high military skill, heroism and bravery in defending the independence of the country, borders the motherland, native land and preserving it as the apple of an eye, made a great contribution to strengthening the defensive might of our state.

Order «Buyuk xizmatlari uchun»

The order "Buyuk xizmatlari uchun" awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign nationals for great contribution to the development of science and technology, economy and culture, a significant contribution to the development of intergovernmental cooperation and implementation of domestic and foreign policy aimed at increasing the international prestige of Uzbekistan.

Order «El-yurt hurmati»

Order of "El-yurt hurmati" is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his great contribution to strengthening the country's independence, its economic power, growth of national spirit and culture which had gained their labor, scientific, social work, diligence and patriotism, respect and authority of the public. Order of "El-yurt hurmati" may be awarded and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Order «Fidokorona xizmatlari uchun»

Order "Fidokorona Hizmatlari uchun" awarded civilian and military personnel who have made a great contribution to the economic and cultural development, strengthening its defense capability and national security, the preservation of public peace, stability and ethnic harmony, the sample showed the dedication, devoted his talents, experience and knowledge of the service of his country. Order "Fidokorona Hizmatlari uchun" can be awarded and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Order «Mehnat shuhrati»

Order "Mehnat shuhrati" awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for outstanding employment services to promote economic recovery and cultural welfare of the people, preserve peace and stability in Uzbekistan. In exceptional cases, the Order "Mehnat shuhrati" may be awarded and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Order «Sog'lom avlod uchun» I-degree

Order of "Soglom avlod uchun" rewarded individuals for their outstanding achievements in maternal and child health, providing better material conditions and the moral climate for the development of a healthy generation.

Order «Sog'lom avlod uchun» II-degree

Order of "Soglom avlod uchun" rewarded individuals for their outstanding achievements in maternal and child health, providing better material conditions and the moral climate for the development of a healthy generation.

Order «Shon-sharaf» I-degree

Order " Shon-Sharaf " is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for their dedication and courage in defending the Fatherland, for the great contribution to strengthening national defense and national security, improve the combat readiness of the armed forces and law enforcement in Uzbekistan. In exceptional cases, the Order of " Shon-Sharaf " may be awarded and those who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Order " Shon-Sharaf " consists of two degrees.

Order «Shon-sharaf» II-degree

Order " Shon-Sharaf " is awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for their dedication and courage in defending the Fatherland, for the great contribution to strengthening national defense and national security, improve the combat readiness of the armed forces and law enforcement in Uzbekistan.

Order «Do'stik»

Order of "Dostlik" awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his great achievements in promoting friendship, mutual understanding and harmony among all nations and nationalities living in Uzbekistan, the development of friendship and comprehensive cooperation of the people of Uzbekistan with the peoples of other countries. Order of "Dostlik" can be awarded and those who are not citizens of Uzbekistan.

  • Medal «Jasorat»
  • Medal «Sodiq xizmatlari uchun»
  • Medal «Shuhrat»

Medal «Jasorat»

Medal "Jasorat" is awarded to the military, the National Security Service and law enforcement bodies of Uzbekistan for the bravery and courage in the performance of military duty or in the national security, public order and combating crime.
Medal "Jasorat" may be awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, or persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for deeds committed in the protection of public order, saving lives, the state and public property during natural disasters, fires and other emergencies.

Medal «Sodiq xizmatlari uchun»

Medal "Sodiq Hizmatlari uchun" awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his great contribution to strengthening national defense and national security, improve the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the rule of law in Uzbekistan, which have shown professional excellence, loyalty to military and patriotic duty.
In exceptional cases, the medal "Sodiq Hizmatlari uchun" and may be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Medal «Shuhrat»

In exceptional cases, the medal "Sodiq HizmMedal "Shuhrat" awarded to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who by their diligent work made great strides in economic development, science and culture of the republic, education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the ideas of national independence and social progress .atlari uchun" and may be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  • Государственная премия имени «Зульфии»

Государственная премия имени «Зульфии»

Государственная премия имени «Зульфии» присуждается одаренным девушкам, обучающимся в школе, лицее, колледже и высших учебных заведениях, проявляя особый талант отличным поведением, сметливостью, эрудицией, инициативностью, успехами в учебе, с усердием работающим во имя осуществления идей независимости, за особые достижения в области литературы, культуры, искусства, науки и образования.
Государственная премия имени «Зульфии» назначается в 50-кратном размере минимальной заработной платы. Учащиеся школ, лицеев, колледжей, ставшие лауреатами Государственной премии имени Зульфии, принимаются в высшие учебные заведения по избранному направлению без экзаменов.

  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People`s Bakhshi Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People's Writer of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Economist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored irrigator Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Uzbekistan iftihori»
  • Honorary title «Honored inventor and innovator of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of municipal, household and commercial areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Builder of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honorary Architect of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored cotton growers of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored sericulturist the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title « Honored Worker of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan »
  • Honorary title «Honored coach of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Athlete of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «National Teacher of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored coach youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People khofiz the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored livestock Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «People's Poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Honorary title «Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers and specialists of civil aviation, with special merits in the development of air transport, the development of modern aircraft, the organization of exemplary services to the population and national economy.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to the Communication Workers with special merits in the development and improvement of communication, organization of exemplary services of the national economy and population of its entire species.

Honorary title «People`s Bakhshi Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title « People`s Bakhshi Republic of Uzbekistan » is assigned to the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for his great contribution to further development of the art of singing, the worship of national values and wide propaganda of the Uzbek folklore, art and performing activities, which enables the people, especially youth, to use thousands of years of cultural heritage, and well as the glorification of independence, honor and glory of the motherland.

Honorary title «People's Writer of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title « People's Writer of the Republic of Uzbekistan » is assigned to writers, playwrights, critics and scholars, literary critics, who have special merits in the development literature, created extraordinary works of art, is widely recognized by the people.

Honorary title «Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is awarded to journalists of newspapers and magazines, television and radio broadcasting, news agencies, employees of publishers and other organizations that have great merits in the development of printing, the most distinguished in the creative and organizational activities.

Honorary title «Honored Economist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Economist of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to highly qualified economists and workers accounting for all economic sectors, with special services in the booming economy.

Honorary title «Honored irrigator Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored irrigator Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers water, building, design, research and other organizations involved in the construction and operation of water facilities and those with special merits in development of water resources and irrigated agriculture, as well as conservation of the country.

Honorary title «Uzbekistan iftihori»

Honorary title « Uzbekistan iftihori » is assigned to citizens of Uzbekistan who have achieved at the world championships, Olympic Games and at the equivalent of sporting events the title by winning their achievements and promoting exalt the prestige, honor and glory of the motherland.

Honorary title «Honored inventor and innovator of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored inventor and innovator of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to the authors of inventions and innovations that are embedded in the national economy and gave a significant economic impact, as well as individuals having merits in the development of invention and innovation, the introduction of inventions and innovations in production.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of municipal, household and commercial areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of municipal, household and commercial areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to employees of enterprises, associations, organizations and institutions of housing and communal services, consumer services, trade and catering, with special merit in improving public services.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers in the sphere of agricultural production, agricultural research and educational institutions with special merits in development of agriculture.

Honorary title «Honored Builder of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title « Honored Builder of the Republic of Uzbekistan » is assigned to employees of construction, installation and design organizations, research and other institutions with special merits in development of building and construction industry of the republic.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to employees cultural and educational institutions, television, radio, press, publishing houses, protection of monuments of history and culture, as well as persons with special achievements in the development of culture.

Honorary title «Honorary Architect of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honorary Architect of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to highly skilled architects who have achievements in the development of national architecture, urban planning, the creation of modern civil, industrial and rural architectural complexes and buildings, as well as in the restoration of architectural monuments in the Republic.

Honorary title «Honored cotton growers of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored cotton growers of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers collective, joint-stock, farmer, rent, personal and other types of households, businesses, educational institutions, scientific research and experimental institutions, as well as others who have special merits in the development of cotton.

Honorary title «Honored sericulturist the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored sericulturist the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers collective, joint-stock, farmer, rent, personal and other types of households, businesses, educational institutions, scientific research and experimental institutions, as well as others who have special merits in the development of sericulture.

Honorary title «People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to outstanding artists for their outstanding achievements in the development of theater, music, movies, pop music, circus, television and radio, in training and education of creative personnel in the country.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers of industrial associations and enterprises, scientific research and engineering institutions, with special merits in development of industry in the republic.

Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan» is assigned to directors, composers, conductors, choreographers, managers of music, choirs, dance and other artistic groups, faculty, educational institutions of culture and art, to create state-product of having a contribution to the development of literature and the arts, training and education creative personnel in the country, folk artists who have created outstanding works of art, decorative painting, carving, carpet weaving and other forms of folk art.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan» фахрий унвони

Honorary title « Honored Worker of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan » is assigned to staff research, health care, sanitary-epidemiological and pharmaceutical institutions, including middle and junior medical staff with special merits in the development and organization of health care and the health of the population.

Honorary title «Honored coach of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored coach of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to the coaches who prepared champions and winners of the Olympic and Asian Games, world and Asian championships and other international competitions, group A, pre-Olympic tournaments or world championships with disabilities, as well as for their outstanding achievements in the development of physical culture and sports.

Honorary title «Honored Athlete of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Athlete of Uzbekistan» is assigned to champions and champion of the world, winner of the Olympic and Asian Games, as well as other athletes who have attained good results in sports competitions.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers for road, rail, air, river, urban transport, construction and maintenance of roads, schools, research institutes, design organizations, as well as other transportation companies that have special services in the transport development of the republic , improving the use of vehicles, construction and operation of roads.

Honorary title «National Teacher of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «National Teacher of the Republic of Uzbekistan» are assigned to teachers of secondary schools of all types, university, colleges and vocational schools, employees of educational, methodical and other public education institutions, with special merits in education and upbringing of children and young people, the development of public education.

Honorable title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan» are assigned to craftsmen with special merits in development of national art crafts and applied arts, contribute to the further development of national culture and training of talented young people.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan» awarded to scientists for the very valuable works, discoveries and inventions in science and technology achievements in the development, promotion and implementation of science and technology, training of scientific personnel and highly qualified specialists for national economy.

Honorary title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «People's artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to craftsmen with special merits in development of national art crafts and applied arts, contribute to the further development of national culture and training of talented young people.

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan» are assigned to workers of all types of secondary schools, higher and secondary specialized schools, vocational schools, kindergartens and after-school facilities, teaching rooms, courses and institutions involved in teacher training, as well as employees of other public education institutions, with special services in the development of education of the republic.

Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Artist of Uzbekistan» is assigned to actors and directors, theater, film, pop music, circus, television and radio, musical performers and singers, choreographers, conductors and orchestras, choirs, music managers and other artistic groups, who have achievements in the development of art in the preparation and education of creative personnel in the country.

Honorary title «Honored coach youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored coach youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers and specialists of the national economy, with special merit in teaching young people vocational skills, education conscientious attitude to work, high moral character and patriotic.

Honorary title «People khofiz the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «People khofiz the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to singers of high performance skills, learning and development, actively promote the heritage of classical music and traditional forms of musical and poetic art of Uzbekistan.

Honorary title «Honored livestock Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored livestock Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to workers collective, joint-stock, farmer, rent, personal and other types of households, as well as educational institutions, research and veterinary institutions, design organizations that have made a great contribution to the development of animal husbandry.

Honorary title «People's Poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «People's Poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan» are assigned to the poets who have special merits in the development literature, create an outstanding poetic works, widely known in the country and abroad.

Honorary title «Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Honorary title «Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Uzbekistan» is assigned to highly skilled lawyers, with special merits in development of legislation to strengthen the rule of law, improving the legal work in the national economy, development of legal science and training of legal personnel.