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President considers economic projects

2017-03-25 | Politics

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has visited the Tashkent motor plant in Bektemir District. 

A Presidential decree dated 5 October 2016 “On additional measures to ensure the rapid development of entrepreneurial activity, to comprehensively protect private ownership and to qualitatively improve the business climate” opens up new possibilities for the rapid development of entrepreneurial activities in this country. 

In Tashkent city’s Yunusobod, Sergeli and Yakkasaroy districts, 3 technological parks were established. These serve to efficiently use existing buildings and capacity to increase the production of manufactured goods and to create jobs. 

The overall area of the Tashkent motor plant in Bektemir district is 5 hectares, the area of its buildings and facilities is 3 hectares. In this territory which is currently not in use, there are a good possibility and infrastructure necessary for setting up production. 

Under instructions from the President, these premises are being leased to enterprises and entrepreneurs on a preferential basis. Their rent rates are lower than in other places. These privileges evoke a lot of interest among entrepreneurs. 

The Head of State said that in these premises it was necessary to initiate the production of goods for export. 

In order to create favourable conditions for enterprises, a single-window centre, mini-banks and other services will be created there. 

A presentation of socio-economic projects being implemented in Tashkent city was also conducted. 

As part of the implementation of the above decree “On additional measures to ensure the rapid development of entrepreneurial activity, to comprehensively protect private ownership and to qualitatively improve the business climate”, meetings are being conducted with entrepreneurs in every district. A precise schedule has been worked out to attract low-income families to entrepreneurial activity and to find employment for graduates of vocational colleges. 

If people’s incomes increase, their purchasing power will also increase, more money will come to local budgets, hokimiyats (governorates) will have more possibilities to build various social facilities, and there will be greater prosperity in our country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. 

Right there, projects were presented for the creation of small industrial zones and parks in Tashkent city, as were projects being implemented by commercial banks for the production of medicines, sweets, building materials and furniture and for metal processing factories, medical and entertainment establishments. 

Anvar Samadov, UzA
