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Expression of respect and honour

2017-03-07 | Society

In the capital city’s “Turkiston” palace, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan has held a festive event on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The event was attended by women working in the internal affairs system, veterans of this sphere and representatives of state and public organizations. 

A.Azizov, minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, said that in the years of independence, important significance was given to raising women’s status and activeness in the social life of the country and that issues of the protection of motherhood and childhood were raised to the level of state policy. As a result, women are participating more actively in the process of building a law-governed democratic state and strong civil society. Today thousands of women work hard in various spheres and are making a worthy contribution to the development of the Motherland. 

Now a large number of women are serving selflessly for ensuring peace and calm in the country. Specifically they work in such departments as criminal investigation, the prevention of offences, the guard service, the personnel department, the forensic expert examination department, information centres and the medical and financial-economic departments of internal affairs agencies. 

“The great deal of care and attention being provided by our country’s President give us, women, even more strength. We will respond in a worthy manner by bringing up a healthy and harmoniously developed generation and making an even more responsible approach to our work,” says an engineer of the main fire safety directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hilola Temirova. 

Songs were performed by famous artistes and members of the song and dance ensemble of the ministry about women, mothers, the Motherland and love, and these songs gave festive cheer to those gathered. 


Gozal Sattorova, UzA 
