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Customers’ trust is an important criterion

2017-01-21 | Society

At the national press centre, a session has taken place on the results of work of the Federation of the Customer Rights Protection Society of Uzbekistan in the year 2016 and priority tasks for this year. 

The chairman of the federation, J.Sarimsoqov; and others have said that the legislative protection of customers is an important factor in the regulation of market relations and the establishment of public control over the quality of goods and services. 

In 2016, more than 9900 appeals came from customers to the federation and its regional offices. Of these, 93.1 per cent were resolved positively. Recalculation was carried out, and reimbursement amounting to 3 billion 860 million soms was made to customers. 

Of the appeals, 28.9 per cent related to gas supplies, 23.6 per cent to trade and 15.4 per cent to electricity supply and other spheres. The federation takes people’s appeals, suggestions and complaints through its virtual reception desk at and trust line number 1091, which helps to reliably protect customer rights. 

In cooperation with state bodies, a programme for raising the law culture of the population, including young people, has been drawn up and is being implemented. Last year, about 7500 training seminars and round-table conversations were held at educational establishments, organizations and enterprises in this sphere. 

For the purposes of increasing the effectiveness of such events and carrying out tasks specified in the Year of Maternal and Child Health state programme, brochures and explanatory booklets were published and distributed on the slogan “Towards a higher customer culture”. 

Via mass media, about 7 thousand speeches were delivered on the protection of customer rights and interests and on the raising of the law culture of the population. A programme entitled “Quality Control” was initiated on the “Tashkent” television channel to prevent the sale of products that are hazardous or unfit for consumption. 

Public surveys were conducted on the observance of the requirements of legislation on customer rights protection. In these surveys, the opinions and suggestions of more than 51 thousand customers were examined. In order to tackle problems and shortcomings that were uncovered, this information was submitted to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Health, the State Tax Committee, the Central Bank and other departments and supervisory bodies. 

Taking into consideration the main goals and tasks of the Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests, it was said during the session that there was a need to create consultancies entitled “Dialogue with Customers”. Decisions were taken to introduce effective mechanisms for work with people’s appeals. 
