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Next Stage of Electoral Process Completed

2015-02-11 | Politics

The representatives of the people's democratic party of Uzbekistan and the social-democratic party of Uzbekistan Adolat (Justice) presented the necessary documents to the Central Election Commission (CEC) for registration of candidates nominated by them for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The documents consist of the written request by the leaders of the political parties on the registration of the candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the decision of the supreme body of the political parties on nominating the candidates for the President of Uzbekistan, the protocols of the supreme body of the political parties nominating the candidates for the President of Uzbekistan, the application of the candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on consent to be put to the vote, as well as the petitions in support of the nominee.

Previously, such documents were presented to the CEC by the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen of Uzbekistan – the Liberal Democratic Party (UzLiDeP) and the Milliy Tiklanish (National Revival) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.

Thus, all four political parties have completed the process of documents submission for registration of candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the stated time.

The CEC will check and give a conclusion on the compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements of the electoral legislation.

The workgroup at the CEC continues its activities on checking the correctness of signature sheets.

In accordance with the requirements of electoral legislation, signature sheets are selected for check by random sampling. The verification comes under not less than 15 percent of the required number of signatures and the appropriate information about the voters who put signatures in the signature lists. The same number is selected in checking, from voter signatures collected in support of each candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan nominated by each political party.

The members of the workgroup examine every signature sheet, paying particular attention to their correctness, presence of approved fixes, blots, different persons filling, presence of similar signatures, attested corrections. The signature sheets in which detected deficiencies or inaccuracies, are selected for detailed examination.

The representatives of political parties attend the check of the signature sheets as observers.

After completing the check, protocol shall be drawn up, indicating the number of submitted voter signatures and verified voter signatures, number of voter signatures recognized as unreliable and invalid. This document serves as the basis for the adoption of relevant decision by the CEC.
