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My vote – my contribution

2016-12-04 | Elections

At all the polling stations of our country, an active electoral process is in progress. Using their constitutional right, citizens are electing the country’s President.

The population are happy about conveniences created at the polling stations. A room for mothers and children and a medical room are there for voters. Citizens once again familiarize themselves with the biographies and programmes of candidates, and with a ballot paper in hand they enter voting booths. 

The presidential elections are being held at a high level. A whole range of measures have been carried out to ensure that voters with limited abilities also take part in voting. There are wheelchair ramps at the entrances to the polling stations. Ballot papers in the Braille script have been prepared for blind people. 

“Our tomorrow depends on results of today’s voting. I came to polling station No 100 and personally voted in the special room. Here equal possibilities have been created for all, including people with limited abilities like me. At these moments, I am profoundly aware that my country needs me and that my vote is also important to state administration,” says an inhabitant of the “Katta Darhon” neighbourhood in Mirzo Ulughbek district, R.Ruzbayev. 

Diyor-bobo Jumayev also personally voted in the elections in polling station No 105 at the building of the Inha university in Tashkent. Diyor-bobo, who will turn 90 soon, was given a ballot paper in the Braille script for voting, and he felt that care was actually being provided for people in our country. 
