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Voting continues in Shakhimardan

2016-12-04 | Elections

Voters commenced voting in the early morning in Shakhimardon village of the Ferghana district.

The voting process is going on at the 776th polling station, located at the building of the secondary school №2 inShakhimardon mahhala (community). 

- All the conditions for the free expression of the wills of the citizens are created at our station, - says chairman of the precinct election commission Abdurashid Usmonov. - 1 thousand 807 voters are registered in our territory. Citizens actively participate in the elections. 

The voting process is also continuing at the 777th polling station of the village. All conditions are created for voters at the station, where 2 thousand 121 voters are registered. them. 

The elevated mood of voters, coming to elections, testifies to the growth of legal culture of citizens, their high sense of ownership and belonging to the processes, occurring in our country. 

-If the country is safe, the is prosperous, then work brings satisfaction, - says Shoirjon Kamilov. - Representatives of different nationalities live in peace and harmony in our village. This is the result of a rational policy, implemented under the leadership of the First President of our country. And in today's election, using the rights enshrined in the Constitution, we have voted for the candidate, chosen by us. 
