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Businesspeople vote for further development

2016-12-04 | Elections

Uzbekistan is among the countries with a steadily growing economy. This is evidenced by the fact that over the past 11 years, the growth of the gross domestic product of our country has been over 8 percent annually. The main factor in achieving these successes are the sequence of reforms to create the conditions and opportunities for development of small business and private entrepreneurship.

Today, entrepreneurs and business people are actively involved in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with all our compatriots. 

Head of "Dambog poyabzal savdo" private enterprise N.Hojimirzaev voted for one of the candidates at the 116th polling station in Namangan city. 

-In the years of independence, I turned from an ordinary shoemaker to a manager of a modern enterprise, manufacturing footwear, - the businessman said. – At present we produce 300 kinds of import-substituting and export-oriented shoes for all seasons. Last year, our company produced products for 1.7 billion soums, for the past nine months of this year, the figure exceeded 1 billion 650 million soums. 

On the way to the polling station, I could not help thinking about the past and present-day life of our country. My heart overflows with pride! Who I was yesterday, and who I have become today?! Tremendous changes occurred in my life. I became an owner, an entrepreneur. Therefore, today I voted for the future of our great country. What I saw at the polling station was the joy of compatriots, their confidence in the future, a strong sense of belonging to the fate of the country - all this became possible thanks to independence. 

One of the young entrepreneurs, who have successfully engaged in small business is head of "Imron Textile Group" enterprise Islombek Kutfiddinov. He voted at the 5th polling station, located at the building of the Namangan engineering-technology institute. 

I am 25 years old, - says Islombek. - Five years ago, I graduated from this institute, received a diploma of an economist. As a student, I deeply studied business and marketing. I won with my business projects and products in different contests. In 2011, I organized a workshop on tailoring knitted products at the "Vodiy yogoch savdo" private enterprise. I purchased sewing machines for 224 million soums and installed them. Initially 4 people worked at the company, today the number of employees reached 70. At present, we produce and export more than 20 types of ready-made knitwear. In the elections, I voted for peace and stability in our country. 

Other businesspeople of the region also cast their votes with a sense of belonging to the fate of the motherland. 

