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International Observers Briefed by the Central Election Commission

2016-12-02 | Elections

On December 2, the Republican Press Center for the coverage of elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan played host to a briefing by Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov for international observers.

The event was attended by members of the observation mission fr om the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Association of World Electoral Bodies, as well as observers from foreign states, representatives of national and foreign media.

It was noted that the presidential elections in Uzbekistan scheduled for December 4 constitute an important socio-political event in the life of the nation. 

Everything has been created for high organizational, legal and logistical preparedness for the political event and its open, transparent and fair conduct in full compliance with the democratic principles enshrined in the national electoral legislation. 

International observers were informed about delivery of legislation in the years of independence regulating the presidential elections process. It is by and large made up of the laws on the Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens, on the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Adopted in the field, the normative-legal acts are aimed at the unconditional observance of the electoral rights of citizens on the basis of the principles of justice, transparency, openness and publicity, at delivering an environment conducive for citizens to participate freely in the polls, at providing – in the period of electoral campaigning – broad and equal opportunities for presidential hopefuls. 

It was noted during the briefing that all the events within the electoral season are taking place in open and transparent manner, in strict accordance with the law. 

It should be emphasized that with purposes of organizing the upcoming elections in full compliance with democratic principles, open and transparent, at a high level, comprehensive efforts are in full swing. In particular, 9.383 polling stations, wh ere voting will take place, have been readied for the event. Election commissions at all levels are undertaking extensive works to secure the electoral rights of citizens. 

Together with a number of governmental and social organizations, the Central Election Commission has held training seminars in three tiers encompassing the national, provincial and district levels in order to raise the legal knowledge and practical skills of the members of precinct election commissions. Polling stations have been delivered half a million copies of law literature and normative acts. In order to create amenities for people with disabilities, ramps have been installed at polling stations, and one of the voting cabins is equipped for that category of citizens. Brochures in Braille about the elections have been published for blind people. For the first time special ballot sheets have been issued for them. Every polling station, including those set up abroad, are delivered ballots in sufficient quantities. 

Also for the first time in the history of the national electoral practice, a program of measures to further uplift the law culture of voters in the run-up to the presidential elections has been worked out and approved by the CEC. 

Events organized in the framework of this program covered the general population, in particular the youth and women, including housewives. During this period, about 104 thousand events, roundtable discussions, seminars have been organized in this area together with civil society institutions on the basis of social partnership. 

After the registration of presidential candidates by the Central Election Commission, that is, on 28 October, electoral campaigning started. Nominees for the highest post in the country began campaigning in order to inform the public about their policy programs that outline ideas and opinions, proposals and initiatives in the socio-political and socio-economic development of the nation. Presidential candidates and their authorized representatives held about 1,000 meetings with voters in all districts. 

While setting off the electoral season, the Central Election Commission invited a number of prestigious international organizations and foreign experts to monitor the electoral process. To date, the election campaign for presidential elections is observed by missions of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the World Association of Electoral Bodies, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In general, along with representatives of these organizations, the elections are expected to be monitored by more than 500 state and public figures, representatives of parliaments and electoral bodies, law scholars, political scientists from nearly fifty countries. In addition, 37,500 people from the political parties will be involved in the electoral process as observers. 

In order to provide for openness and transparency of the presidential ballot, all the conditions are created for media to carry out their activities effectively. In this, a major role is played by the Republican Press Center for the coverage of the presidential elections and the press centers of district election commissions. To date, they have organized approximately 140 press conferences and briefings on important stages of the electoral season. Election commissions have accredited about 1,400 journalists. The polls in our country have attracted a great attention of foreign journalists. In particular, the elections will be covered by more than 100 representatives of foreign media. 

The Central Election Commission is to inform the public about the voting process on December 4 via online briefings organized in the Republican Press Center for covering the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
