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Mahalla’s Participation in the Electoral Process

2016-11-07 | Elections

The Republican Press Center for covering the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan played host November 5 to a national seminar organized by the Mahalla Fund together with the Central Election Commission of the country, the Ministry of Justice and interested organizations on the arrangement of promotional activities to enhance the law culture of voters in local communities in the run-up to the forthcoming presidential ballot.

The event, organized in the format of video conferencing, was attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Justice, Office of the Prosecutor General, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Tashkent State Law University, the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan, Kamolot Youth Social Movement, Nuroniy Foundation, the Federation of Trade Unions, Republican Center of Spirituality, the Scientific and Practical Center of National Idea and Ideology, the Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society, the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, Jahon Information Agency, the National Broadcasting Company, the Mahalla Fund, chairpersons of citizens’ assemblies and representatives of mass media.

At the workshop, the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Mirzo-Ulugbek Abdusalomov, chairman of the Republican Board of Mahalla Fund Jovdatkhon Inagamov and others noted that in the process of reforms carried out under the leadership of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to build a democratic state ruled by law and a strong civil society, renovate and modernize all spheres life, an electoral system has been established in line with democratic standards to ensure the free expression of will by citizens, the full realization of their constitutional rights to elect and be elected.

The event participants highlighted that as a result of the delivery of legal framework of the institution of mahalla – an integral part of the political, economic and spiritual life of society – its improvement in accordance with requirements of our times, citizens’ assemblies successfully execute currently nearly 40 functions previously undertaken by local government authorities. Mahalla became the center of targeted social support of the population, development of private enterprise and family business, and it effectively carries out public control over the activities of government bodies.

In order to ensure implementation of the action plan approved 7 October 2016 to improve the legal culture of voters in the run-up to the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, the Central Election Commission has been spearheading extensive outreach campaign among citizens in local communities (mahallas) to explain the national electoral system, the essence and significance of the Law on Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, introduced amendments and addenda to it, as well as the rights and freedoms of voters enshrined in laws.

Further modernization and democratization of society are inseparably allied with the realization of citizens’ electoral rights. In this regard, it is important to inform the voters about all stages of the electoral process and boost the legal culture and social activity of the population. This will ensure full compliance with the electoral law and the free expression of will on the voting day.

Currently, within the framework of the above-mentioned programs, action plans are worked out in mahallas for the organization of campaign activities to raise law awareness of voters in the run-up to the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In accordance with them, propaganda works are in progress to uplift the legal and electoral culture of the population.

In addition, the information of citizens on the electoral process includes such social actions as “I will vote in person”, “Everyone in our family has a ballot”, “My vote determines the fate of my Motherland”, “We have the right to choose”, “Find yourself in the voters’ list”.

The seminar participants discussed in detail the role of chairpersons of citizens’ assemblies and public commissions in the preparations and conduct of presidential elections, the essence and significance of the Law on Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the role of mahalla activists in the effective organization of the activities of district electoral commissions.

The event also served for thorough discussion of issues pertinent to the continuation of outreach activities to raise the legal culture in the communities and families in the run-up to the elections.

It was noted that the propaganda campaign carried out as part of the preparations and conduct of elections promotes awareness of citizens of the importance to vote in person for the further development of state and society.

The participants of the workshop received answers to their questions.

Abdulla Aripov, Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, chairman of the National Council for the Coordination of Activities of Citizens’ Self-Government Bodies, attended the event and delivered keynote speech.


